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Photo of Intake Coordinator - The Place Within
Pet Loss Grief Group
Hosted by: The Place Within

Pet Loss Grief Group

Photo of Intake Coordinator - The Place Within
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today
2 Endorsed

Let's Connect (626) 344-8987
Photo of Intake Coordinator - The Place Within

The grief around the loss of a beloved animal companion can be just as intense and complicated as any other significant loss in our lives. Often there are few spaces where we feel safe to process this grief and all the losses that come with it. We will gather honoring the lives to those beings that mean so much to us and hold space for the ever-changing journey of grief surrounding the loss. This will meet every other week online and co-facilitated by 4 rotating therapists from The Place Within who have a passion for healing and connection.

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Email Intake Coordinator about this group or call - (626) 344-8987
Let's Connect (626) 344-8987
Photo of Intake Coordinator - The Place Within

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